PowerShell Advanced ADSI Module

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What is PSAD?

PowerShell Advanced ADSI Module

Why use the PSAD Module?

This module was written to be blazingly fast, allow remote domain (alternate credential) use across all functions, and serve as a discovery/learning tool for LDAP filters. If that appeals to you then this module might server you well.


  • Ability to use alternate credentials within the same forest (or targeting a different forest)
  • Very easy to expand upon
  • Few 'translated' fields (so you are forced to become more familiar with actual LDAP properties)
  • Simple but useful helper functions are included for thing like getting the tombstone lifetime, forest functional levels, OCS/Lync/Skype topologies, and Exchange servers/versions.


PSAD is available on the PowerShell Gallery.

To Inspect:

Save-Module -Name PSAD -Path <path>

To install:

Install-Module -Name PSAD -Scope CurrentUser


Notes on contributing to this project

Release Notes

Version release notes


Other projects or sources of inspiration